Sunday, October 9, 2011

I asked her for her favorite color and she said it was gray...

...The artwork was hasty, not his usual quality at all. She seemed to be staring back at me, disturbed, like I'd interrupted something important by taking a moment to think about her. She wasn't holding any weapons, or even a glass of wine, just a deck of cards.

I guess he thought that was very meta, but I suspected it was a joke she'd find humorless....because she found everything humorless. Still, there was a delicacy, a waif-like quality, and the soft grays she'd garbed herself in made her seem even more fragile. I asked him about the arching energy around her and he said it represented the Pattern before it tried to blast her into a million pieces.

Yeah, I decided I wasn't going to show her this one at all.

Image created with the superhero generator. Since someone else is getting points for my trump, and anyways, her hair is way more emo bun.

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